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Publications : Publications


Journal publications, Papers and Book chapters

Tinn K, 2010, Technology adoption with exit in imperfectly informed equity markets, American Economic Review, vol:100, ISSN:0002-8282, Pages:925-957

Chemla G, Tinn K, 2020,"Learning through crowdfunding." Management Science 66, no. 5, Pages:1783-1801

Rossi, S. and Tinn, K., 2021. Rational quantitative trading in efficient markets. Journal of Economic Theory, 191, p.105127.

Tinn K, “Theory Model of Digital Currency with Asymmetric Privacy”, Minor revision requested by Management Science

Kartik N, Squintani F, Tinn K, “Information Revelation and Pandering in Elections”, Revise and Resubmit, Theoretical Economics

Tinn K, “Everyone is a stock trader now: Retail investors and Covid-191”, Covid Economics 83, no. 2 (2021): 88-108.

Friberg R, Tinn K, Milone M, “Transit Rents in a Gravity Model of Trade”, Revise and Resubmit, Scandinavian Journal of Economics

Tinn K, “Smart Contracts and External Financing”, In submission stage, WFA2018, EFA2018, OXFIT2018, CEPR 2023

Tinn K and Dubach C, 2021 “Central bank digital currency with asymmetric privacy”, Winner of Bank of Canada's Model X Challenge

Tinn K and Vourvachaki E, 2009 "Can Optimism about Technology Stocks Be Good for Welfare? Positive Spillovers vs. Equity Market Losses. Positive Spillovers vs. Equity Market Losses”, CERGE-EI Working paper

Tinn K, 2005, “Extent of Equity Mis-pricing and Information Costs”, ECB WP No. 493

Link to Paper

“How Wise are Crowds on Crowdfunding Platforms?”co-authored with Gilles Chemla, In the Palgrave Handbook of Technological Finance, 2021, pp.397-406.

“Raising Funds with Smart Contracts: New Opportunities and Challenges”, In Information for Efficient Decision Making: Big Data, Blockchain and Relevance, Edited by Kashi R. Balachandran, World Scientific Publishers, 2021, Chapter 5, pp: 137-155.

“Distributed ledger technologies and start-up financing” (Chapter 2) In The Economics of Fintech and Digital Currencies, Editor Antonio Fatás: VoxEU e-book (2019)

“The role of the business environment in explaining the performance of countries and firms” (2011), with Simon Commander. ln: Globalization and Economic Diversification, Editor(s):Vos, Koparanova, Bloomsbury Academic, 2011, Chapter 3, pp:37-60

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